Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center has all concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft- and people skills.
Only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge – hard skills, in other words.
Top Form Academy has programs that will enable you to be your best!
Whether you are a business, an educational institution, or individual, we have training programs
to suit your needs.
Each program is tailored to deliver instruction that is comprehensive, to ensure the success of our clients.
We offer workshops, group classes, and private lessons.
Today’s corporate environment is dynamic and culturally diverse. In any work setting, it is essential to be able to understand and get along with your managers and colleagues, to achieve optimum productivity at work.
Business Protocol
Business Writing
Soft Skills
Cross Cultural Communication
Dining Etiquette
Programs listed above can be
customized for individuals.
Schools and Colleges educate students in competencies that provide a foothold to
the workplace. Top Form’s programs complement that skill set to ensure success
in real life and in the workplace.
Youth Etiquette
Business Communication
Public Speaking
Dining Etiquette
Interview Skills
Social Media Etiquette
Programs listed above can be
customized for individuals.
Any individual interested in developing strong communication skills (oral or written) and working on soft skills to get ahead socially or professionally, may avail of the several programs offered by
Top Form Academy.
Public Speaking
College Essays
Résumé & Cover Letters
Children & Youth Etiquette
Social Etiquette
Professional Etiquette
Dining Etiquette
Afternoon Tea Etiquette